Payment and Refund Policy

Payment and Refund Policy
Crystal clear explanations so you know what to expect.

Payment Policy
Before work will begin work on any project, payment in full is required. Acceptable payment methods include company check, certified check, credit card through one of my credit card processing partners, as well as wire transfer.
Refund Policy
When I work with a client, I like for clients to have a good understanding of policies. This reduces the likelihood of bruised feelings, acrimony or other issues down the road in the event of a dispute. I have an incredibly good track record when it comes to client satisfaction. 87% of my clients return for another project, then another, and… you get the point. This refund policy is fairly straightforward: In all cases, refunds are not permitted. The reason for this policy is because of the nature of the work produced. When I take on a project, I spend untold hours discussing the project with you, your goals, needs, etc. In addition, you receive advice, strategic guidance and other benefits of my more than 20 years of real estate copywriting experience. This advice is given via telephone, in email exchanges and other electronic means, or in some cases, personal visits. This guidance involves a time commitment that doesn’t typically carry a “price tag”. Please note: If the nature of your business or your needs change before commencement of the writing process, refunds still are not given for any reason. I do, however, want to make you happy. For this reason, you will have 365 days from the date of your original payment to identify an alternative service offered by The Real Estate Writer, LLC, that would be appropriate for your needs. Your account will receive a non-refundable credit equal to the amount of your orginal payment, which can be applied to other real estate writing or copywriting services once you identify what you would like to do. Any unused credits expire 365 days after your original payment has been received if you do not take this step. If you choose to cancel a project on which work has already begun, you are free to do so; however, no refunds or account credits will be given for any reason.
“Buy Now” or Immediate Services
You understand that clicking the payment link for services available on this website will take you to a Paypal or Stripe payment page. All orders completed through this method are non-refundable, meaning that you will not be entitled to a refund for any reason. The Real Estate Writer LLC is in the business of exceeding client expectations. For this reason, refunds cannot be given for these services once the order has been placed. The only exception to this policy is when work has not yet begun on the project. If email or telephone consultations have taken place or you are informed that work has begun, refunds will not be given for any reason.
Terms of Sale
You understand that as a condition of retaining The Real Estate Writer, LLC for any copywriting project, that you are retaining me to perform these services for you on an Independent Contractor basis. This means that I am not your employee, but rather, a trusted real estate business strategist. You will not be responsible for withholding Income, Social Security, Medicare or other taxes. In order to meet IRS “Employee or Contractor” testing requirements, you will have no control over the time and the place of my work. An added benefit of this setup is that you also will not be asked to pay for any costs I incur in the normal operation of my business. If, however, a project necessitates that I spend money on research materials, goods or services, that you will reimburse me for the cost of those research materials, goods or services within 24 hours of your receipt of proof of the expense. It is understood that in no case will The Real Estate Writer, LLC spend money on a project without your written consent to the expenditure, and your written agreement to reimburse me for that expenditure.
Intellectual Property Rights & Advertising
It is understood and agreed that The Real Estate Writer, LLC is in the business of providing real estate writing and real estate copywriting services. Any engagement for real estate writing, real estate copywriting or real estate consulting services is made under the mutual agreement that I retain Limited Use Copyright ownership of any material produced for you. This means that I may, if I wish, use material produced for you for commercial or non-commercial advertising, educational or training purposes, and that I may include this material in my online or offline real estate writing portfolio. In each case where I utilize this Limited Use Copyright, you (or your company) will be credited as the owner of all intellectual property rights. In no case will material produced for you be resold to other parties. Further, you understand that The Real Estate Writer, LLC and its employees, agents or others retained by me, may publicize the fact that you are one of my clients on one or more pages of or other websites owned and/or maintained by The Real Estate Writer, LLC or one of its owners/managers/directors. This may include using your likeness, a reproduction of your logo or corporate identity or testimonial provided by you in video, audio, or text format. In addition, you agree that any written comments and/or testimonials may be used for any legitimate business purpose and that these comments and testimonials may be used for advertising or other purposes. If you desire complete confidentiality of our professional relationship, you may request this additional service. You understand that this request must come via fax, email or standard postal mail within 72 business hours of your retaining The Real Estate Writer, LLC for any engagement. The cost of this additional service is 50% of the project fee. This fee must be paid immediately via company check, money order or via my online payment processing partner.
TREW Commitment – TREW Results
The reason for the policies listed above is simple: It makes it easier for you to understand what these policies are, while protecting both parties from later misunderstandings. Transparency is crucial to long, mutually beneficial business relationships. I look forward to meeting your real estate copywriting needs now – and well into the future.
These policies are effective January 1, 2010, and replace policies in place prior to this date.[/text_block]

The Real Estate Writer knows real estate and always gives me final draft perfection on the first try. I can focus my energy on other things and more efficiently reach my goals by harnessing the skills of The Real Estate Writer!
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